This course is for those ready to embark on their journey with Traditional Usui Reiki I, which focuses on self-healing. This comprehensive course includes in-depth education on everything you need to know to feel confident in not only giving Reiki to yourself but to others as well. Mel also shares years of personal experiences so you can learn firsthand how to apply Reiki in your everyday life, along with how to elevate your self-awareness and self-care. This course is SELF-PACED so you can access it anytime, anywhere. Once you have completed the required videos, you will schedule your 30-minute 1-1 Zoom with Mel. During this time, you will receive your Attunement, which will allow you to access the Reiki energy, and give you the opportunity to ask Mel any questions you have about the curriculum or the information provided. After your Attunement, you will receive a certificate of completion and from that day forward, let Reiki guide you in all that you do. ***Please carefully read through the curriculum outline before purchasing. Due to the downloadable material in this course, along with the hours of video content provided, a refund will not be issued after the purchase has been made.***
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app